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- Unique on-line courses on special education
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- Cooperation agreement signed
- Call for abstracts: Landscape Practices Conference
- New student ambassadors for Sámi University of Applied Sciences in Russia
- Inga Juuso – Tribute concert: Free tickets for students at Sámi University of Applied Sciences
- Welcome to register to the online part of the Sámi Education Conference 2021
October 11. beaivi 2017
Vuoiŋŋalašvuohta geasuhii
Koreográfa Elle Sofe Henriksen lágidii ovttas Sámi allaskuvllain rabas seminára vuoiŋŋalaš vieruid birra golggotmánu 10. ja 11. beaivvi 2017:s, Diehtosiiddas.
Koreográfa ja filbmadahkki Elle Sofe Henriksen ja Sámi allaskuvlla stipendiáhtta Lovisa Mienna Sjöberg leaiggá lágideaddjit ja láidesteaddjit dán semináras mas vuoiŋŋalaš vierut ledje fáddán. Logaldallit ledjet dutkit ja olbmot geain árbevirolaš máhttu.
Birrasit 100 olbmo ledjet boahtán guldalit ee. guvlláruššama, ovdošiid ja sivdnideami birra.
Elisabeth Utsi Gaup humai kultuvrralaš vieruid birra goađástallamis.