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Norwegian Embassy in Argentina celebrates Nordic research cooperation

Nordic research cooperation in human rights education (HRE) is celebrated at a special event at the University of Buenos Aires on 26 November, sponsored by the Royal Norwegian Embassy of Argentina.

Apply for spring 2025 studies

The application portal for spring studies 2025 have opened.
Main application deadline is 01.12.2024
Applicants applying through real competence, or applicants that need an early reply, have to apply before 15.11.2024
Application portal: Søknadsweb

Housing, dining and kindergarten when you are student

For students at the Sami University of Applied Studies, it is Indre-Finnmark Studentsamskipnad/ Sis-Finnmarkku Studeanttaid Ovttastus (SSO) that runs the canteen, rents accommodation an

Haven't applied for studies yet for the coming autumn? We have extended the application deadline!

Sami University of Applied Sciences still have available seats this autumn for some studies.

What's up

06. October, 08:15 to 08. October, 14:15

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