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- Engaging the voices of Sámi children
- Making knowledges visible: Relational gathering practices and their linguistic and narrative expressions in coastal Sápmi
- Verdde Thematic Network
- Epistemic modality in expressions of ethics and morals in child language
- How is the Sami egg collection and cloudberry picking carried out, and how is this expressed in language and stories?
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Epistemic modality in expressions of ethics and morals in child language

Illustration: Disainari / Tanja Sanila
The main aim of the project is to map the connection between children's ethical thinking and language skills.
The project runs over three years, 1.1.2019-31.12.2021, and is financed by the Research Council of Norway.
The project has its own website www.manaidgiella.weebly.com - information about the project.
Project manager:
Johanna Johansen Ijäs (bio)
tlf. 78 44 85 19
Funded by:

Norgga dutkanráđđi ruhtada prošeavtta