
31. ođđajagemánu, 00:00 - 15:30

From the Past to the Future: Knud Leem’s 1725 Account and 300 Years of Sámi Reindeer Herding Knowledge

FUOM! Knut Leema čálus sámiid ja sin eallinvuogi birra mii almmuhuvvui 1767:s gohtalaš čállinvuohkái, almmhuvvo dálá čállinvuohkái. Álmmuheapmi lea maŋiduvvon ođđajágimánnui 2025.

18. guovvamánu, 09:00 - 19. guovvamánu, 15:00

Studeantaáittardeaddji Diehtosiiddas

Sámi allaskuvlla studeantaáittardeaddji Torill Varberg boahtá Diehtosiidii vahkku 8:s.

13. Geassemánnu, 12:00 - 14:00

Loahpahandoalut 2025

Sámi allaskuvla lágida 2024-2025 oahppojagi loahpahandoaluid Diehtosiiddas, Sáhkaskáiddis, bearja

Online Seminar
24. golggotmánu, 16:30 - 18:00

Indigenous Pedagogies & Methodologies

Online seminar about Indigenous Pedagogies & Methodologies. Assistent professor at SUAS, Mai Britt Utsi, is one of the keynote speakers. 


16:30 Mai Britt Utsi “Joiks of Memories, Crafts of Emotions/Muittuid luođit, dovdduid duojit: An Analysis of the Poetics of Varanger Joiks”
17:00 Q&A for Mai Britt Break
17:20 Break
17:30 Margaret Kovach “Introduction to Indigenous Research & Indigenous Methodologies”
18:00 Warren Cariou “Learning through Storyways” 18.30-19.00: Roundtable Discussion & Q/A with Mai Britt, Margaret, and Warren

Free Registration Here: https://bit.ly/3SukgJn

If you have any questions about this seminar, please contact Helen M Murray helen.m.murray@ntnu.no

 Organized by Indigenous Topics in Education Research Group (NTNU) Supported by the Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education at Oslo Metropolitan University English & Foreign Languages Section in the Department of Teacher Education at NTNU