- Orrut, boradit ja mánáid fuoláhit go leat studeanta
- Sisabeassangáibádusat oahpaheaddjeoahpuide leat ložžejuvvon
- It leat vel ohcan oahpposaji čakčii? Mii leat guhkidan ohcanáigemeari!
- Guhtta ođđa sámi ofelačča
- Áiggošit go lonuhit vuoruheami oahpposaji ohcamis?
- Oahppojagi loahpaheapmi
- IndigMEC2 konferánsii lea dieđiheapmi rabas
- NAISA 2024
- Gietkkama ja wahakura kultuvrralaš mearkkašumi ovdanbuktán stuora dáiddačájáhusas
golggotmánu 29. beaivi 2019
Apply for Spring 2020 studies
It is now possible to apply for the Spring 2020 studies. You can apply through Søknadsweb, click here to go directly to the application portal.
We have, among others, these studies:
(Click on the study and you can read more about it)
- Semester Course in North Sami Language (30 ECTS)
- Spoken and written North Sámi (10 ECTS)
- Social Media with Indigenous Perspective 3 (5 ECTS)
- Accommodated Learning and the Abilities and Aptitudes of Children (10 ECTS)
- Challenges in the Arctic (10 ECTS)
- Sámi Culture and Society 2 (15 ECTS)
Application deadline for studies at Sámi University of Applied Sciences is 01.12.2019.
If you wish to apply for the early application the deadline is 15.11.2019.
If you need help with the application process, pleace contact the Academic Administration.
Write an e-mail to: oahppohalddahus@samiskhs.no or call: +47 78 44 84 00