
13. njukčamánu, 09:00 - 15:00


Sámi allaskuvlla stivračoahkkin 13.3.25 dii 09.00 - 15.00.

10. Geassemánnu, 08:30 - 13. Geassemánnu, 08:30


Sámiráđđi ja Sámi allaskuvla lágidit sámi dutkanbeivviid Diehtosiiddas geassemánu 10.b.-13.b.

13. Geassemánnu, 12:00 - 14:00

Loahpahandoalut 2025

Sámi allaskuvla lágida 2024-2025 oahppojagi loahpahandoaluid Diehtosiiddas, Sáhkaskáiddis, bearja

26. borgemánu, 10:00 - 12:00

Oahppojagi almmolaš rahpan

Oahppojagi almmolaš rahpandoalut leat distaga 26.08.25, Diehtosiiddas, Guovdageainnus.

15. skábmamánu, 08:30 - 16:00

Ole Henrik Magga ávvuseminára

Bilde av Ole Henrik Magga. Fotograf er John Anders Sikku

Mii ávvudit Sámi allaskuvlla vuosttaš professora ja Sámedikki vuosttaš presideantta Ole Henrik Magga 70. riegádanbeaivvi seminárain. Semináras guorahallat Magga doaimmaid sámi gielladutkin, alit oahpu ovddideaddjin, sámepolitihkkárin ja eamiálbmogiid olmmošvuoigatvuođaid ovddideaddjin.

Seminára váldogiellan lea davvisámegiella ja dat dulkojuvvo eaŋgalsgillii. Oasseváldimáksu lea 200 kruvnnu, mii sisttisdoallá beaive- ja ávvumállásiid.


Geahča njuolggosáddaga dá!


Lassedieđut/Contact information:

Professor Vuokko Hirvonen



Ávvuseminára lágideaba Sámi allaskuvla ja Sámediggi.

Bures boahtin!


Ávvuseminára báiki: Diehtosiida, Guovdageaidnu


  • 08.30–09.00   Registreren
  • 09.00–09.10   Álggahus
  • 09.10–09.15   Sámi allaskuvlla rektora ávvusánit - Gunvor Guttorm
  • 09.20–09.30   Sámedikki presideantta ávvusánit - Aili Keskitalo
  • 09.30–10.15   Sámegiela dutkama ja boahttevuođa hástalusat eamiálbmotgiellan 
    Professor emeritus Ole Henrik Magga, Sámi allaskuvla
  • 10.15–10.45   KÁFFEBODDU
  • 10.45–11.15   Ole Henrik Magga gielladutkin 
    Professor Jussi Ylikoski, Giellagas-instituhtta, Oulu universitehta
  • 11.45–12.15   Go álggahišgođii Čájehit SámiVuođa
    Professor emeritus Johan Lemet Kalstad, Sámi allaskuvla
  • 12.15–12.45   BEAIVEMÁLIS
  • 12.45–13.15   Ole Henrik Magga Sámedikki presideantan
    - Direktevra Rune Fjellheim, Sámediggi
  • 13.15–13.45   Álgoálbmogiid ovddasteaddji: XHM Ovttastuvvan Našuvnnaid Bistevaš Foruma láidesteaddjin 
    Fágadirektevra Laila Susanne Vars, Norgga Našuvnnalaš Olmmošvuoigatvuohtaásahus (NIM)
  • 13.45–14.15   Ole Henrik Magga: sámiid ja eiseválddiid gulahallanolmmájin – sámi vuoigatvuođabarggu ovdáneapmi
    Professor Else Grete Broderstad, Sámi dutkamiid guovddáš, UiT Norgga árktalaš universitehta
  • 14.00–14.30   KÁFFEBODDU
  • 14.30–15.15   “Báikenamat lea vuorká man salas leat álbmoga ruohttasat”. Ole Heandaraga barggut sámi báikenamaiguin
    Vuosttasamanueansa Kaisa Rautio Helander, Sámi allaskuvla
  • 15.15–15.45   Ole Henrik Magga bargoskihpárin, oahpaheaddjin ja bagadallin
    Doavttirgrádakandidáhtta Helena Omma, Sámi allaskuvla ja Professor Vuokko Hirvonen, Sámi allaskuvla
  • 15.45              Loahppasánit
  • 19.00–            ÁVVUMÁLLÁSAT


Prográmmii sáhttet boahtit rievdadusat.


A seminar to celebrate professor emeritus Ole Henrik Magga

November 15, 2017, at the Sámi University of Applied Sciences


Please join the Sámi University of Applied Sciences in celebrating the 70th birthday of its first professor and the first president of the Sámi Parliament in Norway, Ole Henrik Magga. At this celebratory seminar, we will examine Magga’s career as a linguist and a Sámi politician, and his work to advance Indigenous human rights and Sámi higher education.

The seminar will be held primary in North Sámi. Interpretation into English will be arranged. The participation fee is 200 Nkr, and includes lunch and a celebratory dinner.


To register for the event, please visit: 

The deadline for registrations is November 8, 2017.


Lassedieđut/Contact information:

Professor Vuokko Hirvonen



The seminar is organized by the Sámi University of Applied Sciences and the Sámi Parliament in Norway.



Seminar program


  • 08.30–09.00    Registration
  • 09.00–09.10   Opening remarks
  • 09.10–09.15    Celebratory address by the Rector of the Sámi University of Applied Sciences
  • 09.20–09.30    Celebratory address by the President of the Sámi Parliament in Norway
  • 09.30–10.15    The challenges of the Sámi language as an Indigenous language: research and future - Celebratory lecture by Professor emeritus Ole Henrik Magga, Sámi University of Applied Sciences
  • 10.15–10.45    COFFEE BREAK
  • 10.45–11.15    Ole Henrik Magga as a linguist - Professor Jussi Ylikoski, Giellagas Institute, University of Oulu
  • 11.45–12.15    When we began to show Sámi spirit (ČSV) - Professor emeritus Johán Lemet Kalstad, Sámi University of Applied Sciences
  • 12.15–12.45    LUNCH
  • 12.45–13.15    Ole Henrik Magga as the President of the Sámi Parliament in Norway - Rune Fjellheim, Director, Sámi Parliament in Norway
  • 13.15–13.45    Representing Indigenous Peoples: XHM as the Chairperson of the UN Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues - Laila Susanne Vars, Deputy director, Norwegian National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
  • 13.45–14.15    Ole Henrik Magga as an intermediary between the Sámi and state officials – the advancement of Sámi rights - Professor Else Grete Broderstad, Center for Sámi Research, UiT Arctic University in Norway
  • 14.00–14.30    COFFEE BREAK
  • 14.30–15.15   “Place names hold the roots of a nation”. The work of Ole Heandarat with Sámi place names - Associate Professor Kaisa Rautio Helander, Sámi University of Applied Sciences
  • 15.15–15.45    Ole Henrik Magga as a colleague, teacher and advisor - Doctoral Candidate Helena Omma, Sámi University of Applied Sciences and Professor Vuokko Hirvonen, Sámi University of Applied Sciences
  • 15.45               Closing remarks
  • 19.00–             CELEBRATORY DINNER


The program is subject to change.