Kick-off research project
28. januar, 11:00 til 30. januar, 18:00

Birgejupmi EU Horizon prosjekt 1. fysiske samling

Kick-off & General Assembly Programme

BIRGEJUPMI 28 – 30 January 2025, Guovdageaidnu

Tuesday, 28th January 2025

Sámi allaskuvla, Room: Sullodat 01_087, Etasje 1 – Diehtosiida


Gathering & Registration, Entrance Hall of Sámi allaskuvla (Diehtosiida)



Welcoming by the host & Welcoming words by Coordinator

Room: Sullodat, Etasje 1 - Diehtosiida


Introduction & Trust building

Facilitated by Jan Erik Henriksen & Ida Hydle


Room: Sullodat, Etasje 1 - Diehtosiida


Short introductions to Birgejupmi
Invited speakers: Asta Mitkijá Balto, Gunvor Guttorm, Solveig Joks

Plenary discussion

Moderated by Samuel Valkeapää, Britt Kramvig, Thora Herrmann


Room: Sullodat, Etasje 1 - Diehtosiida


Coffee / Tea Break  & Group photo


Birgejupmi Project

Connected Work Packages: main ideas, promised deliverables & results, timeline

WP1: Ethical, collaborative, and inclusive research approaches and methodologies, Lead: Saami Council 

WP10: Ethical approaches, circular models and evaluation methods for working across different knowledge systems, Lead: Saami Council


WP2: Human-species-ecosystem interdependencies in changing Arctic coastal regions, Lead: UiT

WP5: TEK-informed coastal resources management and conservation strategies embedded in a multi-actor approach, Lead: UiT



Room: Sullodat, Etasje 1 - Diehtosiida


Closing of the meeting day


Diner at Thon Hotel


Film Screening “Máhccan – Homecoming“ (2023)

Discussant: Áile Aikio


Auditorium: Sáhkaskáidi U1_080


Wednesday, 29th January 2025 – Morning

Sámi allaskuvla, Room: Sullodat 01_087, Etasje 1 – Diehtosiida


Opening of the second meeting day & Goals of the day

Sámi allaskuvla, Room: Sullodat, Etasje 1 - Diehtosiida


Connected Work Packages: main ideas, promised deliverables & results , timeline

WP3: Coastscapes-relationalties: Uncovering silenced knowledge systems and crafting a relational One Health approach for community resilience, reconciliation, and well-being, Lead: UCPH

WP6: New actors and spaces for improved collaboration, knowledge building, and inclusive decision-making, Lead: UiT


WP4: Local and global futures: young people’s visions of sustainable livelihoods and inclusive environmental decision-making, Lead: GFZ

WP8: Mobilizing youth leadership and exchange for shaping socio-economic transitions in Arctic coastal regions linked to the EU Green Deal, Lead. UTartu


Sámi allaskuvla, Room: Sullodat, Etasje 1 - Diehtosiida


Coffee / tea & mingling



Connected Work Packages 7; 13-14: main ideas, promised deliverables & results , timeline
WP7: Empowering Indigenous higher education institutions, and remote Arctic coastal communities by developing gender-sensitive and innovative education formats, Lead: SAMAS

WP13 & WP14: Project coordination and management, Lead: UOULU


Sámi allaskuvla, Room: Sullodat, Etasje 1 - Diehtosiida


Wednesday, 29th January 2025 – Afternoon

Čoarvemattu, Dáiddadállu Headquarters


Lunch at Čoarvemattu cantine & Guided tour by Beaivváš and Sámi Joatkaskuvlla

14.15 -15.00

Grant management and Project monitoring/evaluation

Nila Petralli, Project Officer, at the Research Executive Agency (REA), European Commission


Sámi allaskuvla, Room: Sullodat, Etasje 1 – Diehtosiida


 Dáiddadállu Headquarters

WP9: Implement novel capacity building and education formats for activating, sharing, and bridging diverse knowledge systems – Dáiddadállu & Birgejupmi through Art, Lead: Dáiddadállu


Closing of the meeting day


Diner at Dáiddadállu Headquarters


Dáiddadállu artists evening session (to be confirmed)


Thursday, 30th January 2025

Sámi allaskuvla, Room: Sullodat, Etasje 1 – Diehtosiida


Opening of the third meeting day & Goals of the day


Breakout groups: WP meetings (WP internal and across WPs) 

Room 1: Gielastat (2nd floor)  02_113
Room 2: Ávžžádat (1st floor)  01_097
Room 3: Stealládat (1st floor) 01_084


10:15 Coffee / tea & mingling


Lunch at Sámi allaskuvla


Guided tour Diehtosiida & Sámi Archives



Workshop Session: Communication & Outreach

Facilitated by Árvu, Lead: WP11 & WP12

Sámi allaskuvla, Room: Sullodat, Etasje 1 – Diehtosiida

15:00 Coffee / tea & mingling


Wrap up

Sámi allaskuvla, Room: Sullodat, Etasje 1 – Diehtosiida


Meeting concludes