Latest news
- Fall 2024 Study Programs
- State budget 2024: Allocation to the Sami university of applied sciences
- Official Opening of the Student House
- Official Opening of a New Academic Year
- Concert in the canteen 16.08!
- Get to know our new principal
- Tuition fees for international students
- School sessions and gatherings autumn 2023
- Become a student at Sámi University of Applied Sciences this fall!

March 04. beaivi 2025
Podcast-ráidu boađi-boađi
Duorastaga njukčamánu 6. beaivve beasat fas gullat Sámi allaskuvlla podcastráiddu Oahppu ii deatte. Nubbi sesoŋga lea dál gárvvis, ja vuosttaš oasis oahpásmuvvat Jens Martin Mienna jurdagiidda.
- Man dihte ii oahpa oahppi? Mun háliidan ahte mu oahppi galgá ovdánit ja jus ii ovdán, de ferten mun jurddašit mot mun galggan oahpaheaddjin bargat vai ovdána. Nu lohká Jens Martn Mienna oahpaheaddjirolla birra.
Podcast ilbmá juohke nuppi duorastaga ja ráidu lea gávdnamis Spotify, Podme ja Apple Podcast rávdnjenbálvalusain.
Lea Ellen Oddveig Hætta Gaup gii láidesta maiddái dán vuoro, ja Forest People lea buvttádan ráiddu Sámi allaskuvlla ovddas.