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Concert in the canteen 16.08!
Photo by: Olena Hætta
Each year we celebrate the beginning of the academic year with speeches, greetings and a concert. The event is at the Diehtosiida campus in Sáhkaskáidi auditorium 15.08.2023 at 10.00 - 13.00.
This year we gave great yoikers at the stage, in the canteen at 11.40. Etnešguovttos, Inger Marie Nilut and her daughter Sárá Gáren Ánne Nilut will perform yoiks to us after lunch.
Oahppojagi almmolaš rahpan / Opening of the Academic Year
Sáhkaskáidi 16.08.23, 10:00-13:00
Guoimmuheapmi /
Bures boahtin Sámi allaskuvlla direktevra Anne-Marie Gaino bokte /
Welcome speech by Anne-Marie Gaino, Director of Sámi allaskuvla
Rahpansárdni Sámi allaskuvlla rektora Liv Inger Somby bokte /
Opening speech by Liv Inger Somby, Rector of Sámi allaskuvla
Dearvuođat Sámediggeráđi Mikkel Eskil Mikkelsen bokte /
Greetings by Mikkel Eskil Mikkelsen, Member of the Governing Council of the Sámi Parliament
Dearvuođat Guovdageainnu sátnejođiheaddji Hans Isak Olsena bokte /
Greeting by Hans Isak Olsen, Mayor of Guovdageaidnu Municipality
Dearvuođat Sámeráđi presideanta Áslat Holmberga bokte /
Greetings by Áslat Holmberg, President of the Saami Council Dearvuođat
UiT Norgga árktalaš universitehta várrerektora Bente Haug bokte/
Greetings by Bente Haug, Vice Rector UiT - Arctic University of Norway
Dearvuođat studeantastivrra jođiheaddji Martin Velky bokte/
Greetings by Leader of the Student Board at Sámi allaskuvla
Ofelaččaid soabbegeigenseremoniija/
Sámi Pathfinder ritual
Lunša /
Guoimmuheapmi Inger Marie Nilut ja Sárá Gáren Ánne Nilut bokte /
Entertainment by Inger Marie Nilut and Sara Garen Anne Nilut