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Sami health conditions
Māori, Emma Rawson – Te Patu, has visited Sami University College where the college's rector arranged a short seminar where the topic was Sami health conditions. Te Patu is traveling in Sápmi and goes on, first to the Sami Parliament to learn the situation of the Sámi, then she visits the South Sami in Røros-Rossen tjïelte.
Sami University of applied sciences researcher Torunn Pettersen and professor Annika Pasanen and the municipal medical officer in Kautokeino; Ánne Lájlá Kalstad gave a short talk about both statistics, the language situation in Sápmi, how reindeer herding youth experience racism and what challenges and changes the municipal medical officer sees regarding Sami health. Emma Rawson herself also gave a short lecture on her work on a global level and how they are developing health rights in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
- "It was a really good start to this week and it's important to make contacts between Māori and Sami. It is also important to hear how other indigenous areas are working on the health strategy. It was also very interesting to hear our researchers Torunn Pettersen and Annika Pasanen talk about their research topics. It was also appropriate to establish contacts between Municipal Chief Medical Officer Ánne Lájlá Kalstad, our institution, and Māori's leading researcher, who heads the WFPHA health organisation on a global level.
Emma Rawson-Te Patu is ManuKahu Associates Director, Indigenous Consultancy in Āotearoa/New Zealand and is part of the executive team of Public Health Equity Whakauae Research Services. She is also elected president of the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA), president-elect, and co-chair of the Indigenous Working Group (WFPHA).
På bildet er Inga Margrethe Eira Bjørn (Sametinget) og Lisbeth Vesterheim Skoglund (Sametinget) og Annica som Linde Øygard (Folkehelseforeningen),Ragnhild Storstein Spilker (NSF) og rektor Liv Inger Somby, i tillegg forannevne folk.
In the picture are Inga Margrethe Eira Bjørn (Sami Parliament) and Lisbeth Vesterheim Skoglund (Sami Parliament) and Annica as Linde Øygard (Public Health Association), Ragnhild Storstein Spilker (NSF) and Rector Liv Inger Somby, in addition to the people mentioned.